concordia NATURA
was brought into being by the founder Klaus Heinzel. He has always lived in close relation to and in high esteem for his natural environment.
Shaped by many years in the top management and board of leading industrial and trading companies, environmental protection and the preservation of natural habitats have increasingly moved into his focus and are expressed in many ways in the actions of Klaus Heinzel.
With his company reNATUR ( the nature coach and wilderness educator supports people on their way into nature and thus on their way to themselves.
Foundation statutes
Klaus Heinzel,
Initiator & founder
concordia NATURA
Extract from the foundation's statutes
§ 2 purpose
(1) The purpose of the foundation is to promote science and research, especially in the field of nature and landscape protection.
(2) The Foundation realizes this purpose in particular - through the financial support of research projects and scientific events, - through the awarding of scholarships, travel and printing allowances and - through the support of institutions that pursue the same purposes as the Foundation.
(3) The foundation can pursue its purposes at home and abroad.
(4) The foundation exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the tax code.
Raising awareness of nature conservation among children often falls on fertile ground.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote projects and research that serve nature conservation, harmony between humans and nature, and sustainable health and health care. Projects that support the inclusion of disabled or disadvantaged people can also be funded.
Furthermore, projects can be funded that serve the purpose of plant protection in the sense of the conservation of threatened plants. Projects can be funded which serve the establishment and maintenance of allotment garden structures and self-sufficiency organizations. This also applies to the research, planning and implementation of ecological building projects and new forms of living that are in harmony with nature.
§ 3 Non-profit
(1) The foundation acts selflessly. It does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. It may not favor any person with expenses that are not related to the purpose of the foundation or with disproportionately high remuneration.
(2) The foundation can realize its purposes itself, through auxiliary persons or by passing on its funds to other corporations or procuring funds for other corporations within the framework of what is permitted under tax law.
(3) Research results will be published in due course.
Kirchheim unter Teck, December 1st, 2015